248テスト4 のコピー


本作は“New Nature”と“Last Landscape”の二つの作品から成り立っている。“New Nature”では下水処理場から流れ出す温排水の周辺の環境に着目し、人の営みと自然が不可分に入り混じった現代の自然のありようを考察した。“Last Landscape”では陸に打ち捨てられ殺されてしまうハクレンという外来魚を通して、人間の、人以外の生き物に対する倫理のあり方を考えた。現代の自然と、これからの自然を考えること、人間以外の生き物たちに対する倫理のありようを考える事は、人間中心の考え方を脱却するという点において共通の課題を持っており、切り離すことの出来ない課題だと考えている。そこでこれら二作品を”NEW NATURE”として一つの作品にまとめた。

New Nature

“New Nature”は、下水処理場から流れ出す温排水の周辺の環境をテーマとし、この場所に集まる生き物たちのエネルギーと人の営みが生み出すエネルギーを可視化する事で、人の営み、自然、人工が複雑に絡み合った現代の自然のありようを見つめ直す事を目的とした。高度経済成長期に日本の河川環境汚染の一つの原因となっていた生活排水の問題を改善すべく、1970年代に下水処理場が整備され、日本の河川環境は大きく改善されてきた。しかし現在でも、下水処理場からの排水は、特異な環境を形作っている。冬でも水が暖かく、その水は多くの養分を含んでいるのだ。独特の臭気が漂い、岸は護岸され、所々にテトラポットが埋設されている。人間の営みが環境に色濃く影響を与えており、決して美しい場所ではないが、自然も人工も、外来生物も在来生物も一緒くたになり、濃密な生き物の気配に溢れている。



Last Landscape

“Last Landscape”では外来魚であるということを理由に、陸に打ち捨てられ殺されてしまうハクレンという魚を通して、人間の、人以外の生き物に対する倫理のあり方を問い直すことを目的とした。私たち人類は、歴史とともに、倫理の適応範囲を拡大させてきた。ペットや家畜、野生動物、あるいは生態系そのものへ私たちの倫理は人以外のものにもその適応範囲を拡大させ、今もまだ発展の途上にある。

中国原産の外来魚であるハクレンは、食用やアオコ除去の目的で日本に輸入され、いくつかの場所に定着した。下水処理場からの温排水が流れ込むこの場所にも多くのハクレン が生息している。彼らは釣り人に釣り上げられると、外来魚であるということを理由に陸に放置され殺されてしまうことが珍しくない。私が初めてこの場所を訪れた時も、数匹のハクレンが土手に打ち捨てられており、カラスがその肉を啄んでいた。何度もこの場所に足を運んだが、その度に打ち捨てられたハクレン に出会った。ある時、まだ本当にわずかに息のあるハクレンを見かけたことがある。その時ふと、彼が今見ている景色が気になり、彼の目線にレンズを重ねてシャッターを切った。彼が最後に見たのは一体どんな風景だっただろうか。それ以来放置されたハクレンを見かけるたび、同じようにして写真を撮るようになった。多くの場合彼らは、片方の目で地面を見つめ、片方の目で空を見つめている。それらの写真を対にして作品とした。

未来の人類が今と言う時代を振り返った時、きっと野蛮な時代として今を捉えることになるだろう。在来の生態系に悪影響を与える可能性をはらみ、人間によって持ち込まれた不自然な存在である外来生物の命を奪うことは、容認されるべきなのだろうか。在来の生態系を頂点とし、外来の生き物を排除していく考え方が常に正しいとはかぎらない。ハクレン が見た最後の風景を眺めるとき、彼らもまた一個の命であるということを強く意識させられる。その実感はこれからの自然のあり方を考える上で大切な感覚だと思う。


This work consists of two works: “New Nature” and “Last Landscape”. In “New Nature,” I focused on the environment surrounding the warm wastewater flowing from a sewage treatment plant, and considered modern nature where human activities and nature are inseparably intertwined. In “Last Landscape,” I focused on a fish called Hakuren, which is abandoned on land and killed because it is a non-native species, and considered human ethics toward plants and living things. I believe that thinking about modern nature and the nature of the future, and thinking about the ethics toward non-human living things, all have a common challenge in that they must break away from a human-centered way of thinking, and are inseparable challenges. Therefore, I combined these two works into one work, “NEW NATURE.”

New Nature

“New Nature” focuses on the environment around the warm wastewater flowing from a sewage treatment plant. By visualizing the energy of living things that gather in this place and the energy generated by human activities, the aim was to consider modern nature where human activities, nature, and man-made are intricately intertwined. In order to improve the problem of domestic wastewater, which was one of the causes of river pollution in Japan during the period of high economic growth, sewage treatment plants were constructed in the 1970s, and the environment of Japanese rivers has improved significantly. However, even today, the water flowing from the sewage treatment plant forms a unique environment. The water is warm even in winter and contains many nutrients. There is a unique odor, the banks are protected by concrete, and tetrapods are buried here and there. Human activities have a strong influence on the environment, and it is by no means a beautiful place, but nature and man-made, foreign and native creatures live together.

First, in order to visualize the energy source of this place, I visited the area under the jurisdiction of the sewage treatment plant and took photos of the city lights at night as a symbol of the energy generated by human activities. By layering these photos countless times, I created something like an abstract mass of energy generated by human activities. Next, I took photos of the creatures living in this place. I particularly focused on the experience of being surrounded by the presence of living creatures when visiting this place at night. When you go to this place at night, it is filled with the presence of creatures that have lost their wariness and nocturnal creatures. The experience of being surrounded by the presence of living creatures all around, to the point of feeling noisy, was so powerful that I wanted to share this experience. However, most of the presences experienced here consist of sounds and smells, which cannot be captured in photographs. Therefore, by inverting the negative and positive of the photographs, turning the darkness into light, I expressed the energy of the creatures hidden in the darkness. Also, fish are constantly jumping here, creating ripples on the water surface. I felt that the ripples were a good way to express the presence of the creatures that I felt in this place, so I overlaid photographs of ripples onto each of my photographs.

Currently, almost all of Japan’s nature is influenced by humans, and there is probably no such thing as untouched nature. So what does the nature that we must protect look like? The nature we imagine is probably quite different from the nature that is close to us. No matter how ugly it may be, I think it is important to turn our eyes to the nature close to us. There is surely a lot to learn from it. I hope that this work will help us think about nature in the future.

Last Landscape

In “Last Landscape,” the purpose is to consider the ethics of humans toward living creatures through the fish called Hakuren, which is abandoned on land and killed because it is a nonnative species. Throughout history, we humans have expanded the scope of our ethics. Our ethics have expanded to include pets, livestock, wild animals, and even the ecosystem itself, and are still in the process of development.

The Hakuren, a nonnative fish native to China, was imported to Japan for food and to remove blue-green algae, and has settled in several places. Many Hakuren live in this area, where warm wastewater from a sewage treatment plant flows in. When they are caught by anglers, they are often left on land and killed because they are nonnative species. When I first visited this place, several Hakuren were abandoned on the bank, and crows were pecking at their meat. I have visited this place many times, and each time I encountered an abandoned Hakuren. One time, I saw a Hakuren that was still breathing very little. At that time, I suddenly wanted to see the scenery he was looking at, so I put my lens over his eye and took a picture. What was the last thing he saw? Since then, whenever I see an abandoned Hakuren, I have taken pictures in the same way. In many cases, they are looking at the ground with one eye and the sky with the other.

When we look back on our present age in the future, we will surely see it as a cruel time. Should we accept the killing of invasive species, which are unnatural beings brought by humans and have the potential to have a negative impact on native ecosystems? The idea that native ecosystems are the best and that invasive creatures should be eliminated is not always correct. When we look at the last landscape that Hakuren saw, we are strongly reminded that they are also individual lives. I think this feeling is important when considering the future of nature.

New Nature

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